Friday, June 27, 2008

Video Nine: Using a Class Web Page for Learning

After watching the assigned video the objective of this blog was to answer the following questions:

1. Explain how the teacher uses Web pages, Web resources, and software applications (e.g., Word, PowerPoint) to teach student from various backgrounds French language and culture. 2. What other resources could this teacher include onto her Web page, or what other technology-related activities could she have done?
3. What are the students’ feedback/reactions to using technology to learn French culture and language?
4. In general, explain how technology can help students learn a foreign language and culture.

The teacher in this video stresses the importance of understanding how to use technology today therefore she incorporates WebQuest into her final project to help students not only learn the language but also develop invaluable technology tools needed such as PowerPoint, evaluating resourceful websites, and developing accurate bibliographies. She requires students to write a 150-word report on a Francophone person. Within this project students work in groups one as the reported one as the interviewee to create either a PowerPoint, poster or video of which they will present to the class. The flexibility as well as the structure of the assignment allows students to be creative and develop individualistic final projects.

From the assigned video it looks like students can find information about assignments due in her class, a rubric for the final project, links to both English and French resource pages for their projects as well as a WebQuest for the assignment. I believe for the assignment given she provided an adequate amount of resources however videos, music, and maybe even a sample project could have been displayed for the students. Also, tutorials on how to create a video might have been appropriate for those students who wanted to develop a video but did not know how to. Another great technology-related assignment could have been a virtual simulation of particular Francophones. This might have allowed students to explore the times at which these individuals lived in as well as allowed students to navigate through the simulation using the vocabulary they knew to communicate with other individuals within the class.

The students look very excited to utilize technology to learn about French culture and language and look very engaged in utilizing it within the video. One group within the video commented on the ease of use PowerPoint allows in creating a presentation as opposed to having to create posters. Additionally, another group stated they felt with three group members they would be able to easily complete the task of creating a video. I think if they could have a means of interaction it could better help them understand the language and culture as many foreign language students say the best way to learn the language and culture is to be submerged within it.

As far as incorporating technology, the use of WebQuest allows the teacher the ability to guide students to resources and content without lecturing within a classroom. I think that the ability for students to take French content and translate it into English with a touch of a button is another benefit technology allows for students. Drill-and-practice exercises are another great example of how technology can be utilized to learn vocabulary within a foreign language. Furthermore the incorporation of virtual simulations allows students to engage within the culture and learn more about that particular language.

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