Monday, June 23, 2008

Video Six: Virtual Simulations for Classroom Use

After watching the assigned video the objective of this blog was to answer the following questions:

1. Describe three advantages of using simulations in a chemistry lab.

2. Describe advantages in using simulations for other content areas that may contain a certain risk for students (e.g., dissection of a heart, flight simulation, storm chasing), and/or something that students would not normally experience (e.g., traveling through the Sahara desert, being a solder in the Civil War, solving crimes as Sherlock Holmes, deep-sea diving).

3. What type of learning strategies and/or classroom environments would work best for computer simulations?

Three advantages to using simulations:

1. Cost efficient/ Safety Precautions

2. Self-confidence within subject

3. Making the transition from knowledge to application

Discussion of these advantages:

Chemistry materials can be very expensive especially in the type of lesson this teacher was teaching. The teacher had students testing precipitation and PH levels of chemicals as well as creating combinations of chemicals to see how they reacted with one another. This is also a prime example of discovery learning which would not be available to students in a regular lab. By using a virtual simulation the teacher was able to allow students the ability to test and retest however many different chemicals and combinations they wanted. I cannot imagine how much money this would have cost the school if the students were completing this assignment in a real lab. The next advantage is the safety precautions it allows the teacher to take. Most students do not fully understand the consequences that may arise from mixing some chemicals together and/or lack the knowledge of proper techniques of working with chemicals in a lab. This provides a safe environment for students to learn in prior to going into a lab giving them a base knowledge that students without virtual simulation lessons lack.

Though it was identified in the video I felt strongly about the increased amount of self-confidence virtual simulations provided the students. I believe each of us can identify subject areas that challenged us and were very difficult for us to get through. The teacher stated that virtual simulations gave students more confidence in their knowledge of the content. What a great way to utilize technology!

In any curriculum or teaching theory course you will hear about the importance of students applying what they learn. Without understanding the application of the content students tend to get bored or fail to retain information. Virtual simulations provide students the ability to use the knowledge they are gaining from lectures, textbooks, etc. to see how they are used within the real world.

Advantages of Virtual Simulations:

I believe that there are many advantages to utilizing simulation trainings with students. First and foremost it allows individuals the ability to test ideas and strategies without incurring any real-life consequences. For example, if I were in a science class testing two chemicals that were combustible I would much rather see the reactions those two chemicals had through a virtual simulation then to have that type of reaction in real life.

By utilizing such simulations you also allow the ability of students to gain a base knowledge prior to going into a real lab saving time and resources in educating the student. The teacher in the assigned video states that it took him four days in the lab and many hours of prep to teach the same content to his students that he can accomplish within two days incorporating virtual simulations. I can see how this would save a lot of time and energy in basic trainings students need to have prior to going into the lab.

Third you allow students the opportunity to try things they might never have tried if not given the opportunity to engage in a virtual simulation. For example, I can think of a particular colleague of mine who has a fear of flying. Without the ability to travel (costs, fear, etc.) one might never be afforded the opportunity to see the Mona Lisa in Paris or see the Vatican in Italy. Technology never ceases to amaze me and this is one of the best ways, in my opinion, it is incorporated.

Finally, as identified in the video, I believe it would engage students within the subject content as well as increase self-confidence. I remember being so afraid in my science classes, in fact, it was my least favorite subject. This was partially because we hardly ever had the resources to do lab work but also because the content was very challenging to me. I believe if I would have had the opportunity to utilize such technologies my ability to understand the application of the content could have helped me conquer the subject content as well as give me the confidence I lacked. Just from watching the video I was excited and interested in chemistry class! It is amazing how an opinion can changed based off the tools that the teacher incorporates within their classroom and will be a lesson I take with me into the classroom in the future.

Optimizing Virtual Simulation in Learning Strategies:

I believe virtual simulations can work well in both individual and group assignments. In making the decision as to which to incorporate one should certainly evaluate their classroom environment. For example if a teacher only has four computers and twelve students she might want to incorporate activities where students can work in groups. If there are enough computers for all students then maybe individual simulations can be utilized as shown in the assigned video. Virtual simulations could be incorporated into any subject area but could be especially beneficial in decision making processes such as leadership courses, foreign language activities allowing students to incorporate what they know, or in English classes allowing students to see/engage in Medieval time activities. A great example that I have seen colleges incorporate is Second Life, a virtual learning environment in which students create avatars and can attend classes, go on a scavenger hunt, etc. This environment can also be utilized to create simulations for students to go through. For example, many you are teaching a diversity class and want to have students role-play so they can experience discrimination. The possibilities are endless and I believe this is a simulations are a great use of technology within education.

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