Sunday, July 13, 2008

Video Twelve: Statewide Implementation of Technology

 After watching the assigned video the objective of this blog was to answer the following questions:

1. What are some of the issues relating to teacher training in technology? 

2. How can collaboration between K-12 and higher education institutions help in training teachers to integrate technology? 

3. How important is it to obtain legislative, community, and government support toward planning statewide technology teacher training?  What type of training do teachers need concerning technology training?  What type of support do teachers need to continue their professional development? 

4. How would the classroom environment look if ALL teachers have full technology support and proper professional development in using technology?

I believe that one of the first issues relating to teacher training in technology would be the lack of qualified trainers for such incorporating technology. Some states and/or schools place only one technology individual in place per school and, sometimes, per district. This can be extremely challenging and inadequate to address standards such as NET-S, NET-T, and NET-A as well as provide the support needed to teachers to become efficient and effective with his/her integration of technology within the classroom. However with some initial guiding many individuals can pick up and/or train themselves on new technologies by using a trial and error process. In this particular situation the challenge at times can be providing adequate resources for teachers to train and teach on. In response to an online course discussion this week one of my colleagues stated that nothing is more frustrating than learning how to use a technology and then not being able to have those resources to actually use. Funding in every area of education is a continued issue however for our nation to properly address the technology gap and develop a consistent level of technology proficiency adequate funding opportunities will need to be provided. Finally and probably in my experiences the most prominent issue is motivating teachers to learn and implement the technology. Many older teachers do not believe that technology is needed within their classroom and will fight integrating it. Some older teachers are just scared of these technologies as they are untrained on them and know the students will know more than them. These barriers as well as many others should be researched and considered when looking at integrating technology within schools.

Collaboration and communication are two of the most powerful tools any organization can have. As cited in the assigned video the educator stated how amazing the results within the state were because of the joint effort made by P-12, higher education and the state government to achieve the same goal. In particular the relationship between K-12 and higher education is essential as higher education educates tomorrow’s teachers. Without knowing the skills and expectations of what K-12 higher education would not be able to properly prepare future teachers for the implementation of technology within the classrooms. A prime example would be in the state of Mississippi. After hurricane Katrina, Cisco provided many schools with Promethean boards that are a part of the white board technology. Students were excited as were teachers however these boards are rarely being utilized because teachers have not been trained on how to use them. By communicating this need with higher education institutions K-12 together these two entities have been able to provide training to current teachers as well as develop course work on white board technology for future teachers. Collaboration and communication will be essential components for any successful integration of technology within education.

As stated earlier, it is essential to obtain support from local, state, and federal government agencies as well as your legislative body and community to not only ensure that the planning of teacher training is adequate but also to provide funding in areas of greatest need. One of these areas would be professional development for teachers. Technology needs can range from district to district, school to school, and/or teacher to teacher. Professional development funds should be allocated for individuals who wish to continue integrating technology within their field. In regards to school and district level trainings, representatives should come together, establish the needs and goals, and create an action plan as to what it is they seek to accomplish. You also want to ensure consistent training modules are provided across the state to help teachers equally achieve their technology goals in place. Maybe the state believes 10 of the proposed 20 trainings are essential and that every teacher should be trained on it however I believe this will vary from state to state. To effectively manage trainings for teachers there should be multiple levels, platforms and support provided to ensure that teachers are provided with the tools needed to successfully integrate technology.

I do not believe we have discovered what a fully integrated, fully supported technology classroom looks like however; I believe it will be the classroom of the 21st century. This classroom will be able to provide teachers with the technology needed to successfully support and educate students on both content and technology. Additionally it will help students achieve their learning outcomes by allowing individualized lessons. As I continue to study and learn more about technology I hope to be a change agent in making this type of classroom a reality.   

Monday, July 7, 2008

Video Eleven: Universal Design for Special Needs

After watching the assigned video the objective of this blog was to answer the following questions:

1. Identify the advantages of universal design in education.  Describe how a universal design textbook could work for students with cognitive, emotional, or physical disabilities.   

2. What are your thoughts about integrating universal design to meet the needs of the “individual” student?   

3. How can education benefit from universal design?  

4. How could you benefit from universal design?

Universal design in education would provide access to all students including those students with disabilities. For example as pointed out in the assigned video, students who are in the same class might be at different reading levels so it presents a challenge to those students who cannot read at the level of the class. By creating “sliders” or the ability for a teacher to adjust the level of text, amount of images, or cater to an individual’s learning strengths a teacher would be able to challenge every student equally.  Universal design would create assistive technology devices that enhance the learning experience for students. For example, students with cognitive, emotional or physical disabilities could easily overcome such learning barriers with the help of universally designed textbooks. Students who need larger text could adjust the text within the textbook or have the ability to implement sound for those who are visually impaired. Additionally students with cognitive disabilities could adjust the level of text for reading purposes, or even add pictures to the text to enhance the learning outcome for that particular student.

Integration of universal design is something that I am in support of. I believe that while students should be provided the same opportunities as other students within the course every student is unique and has different strengths and weaknesses. I do not think it is fair or beneficial to keep those students who excel back because a few students might not understand the content or vise versa have students who are absolutely lost because you are moving at a pace they are unable to handle. By creating universal design components I believe you allow the student the ability to understand their strengths and options so that they may utilize technology to help maximize their learning.

I think education can benefit immensely from universal design especially in helping challenge the individual to learn as opposed to ensuring every individual knows the same content. The video makes a valid point in regards to standards. While standards are put in place to ensure that everyone learns the same content, universal design is put in place to help students learn at their own speed, pace and preference. This allows students the ability to learn more than what is required or the material needed in the format that they best understand it. This feature would be extremely helpful in a classroom of 10 gifted students, 12 average students, and 5 students with disabilities allowing each student to participate within the class while learning what they mentally have the capacity to learn.

As an individual universal design would allow me the ability to capture the content being studied in the most beneficial form to me. I am a self-learner and enjoy visual and auditory methods of learning. By incorporating universal design I could implement more visuals and audio components as needed while my colleague my employ a hands-on approach in similar learning exercises. As long as we are each being challenged and advancing our knowledge in the content the design of the course is achieving the same task it has set forth to achieve however now the content has been molded into the format most beneficial for us as individuals.


Video Ten: Options for Virtual Students

After watching the assigned video the objective of this blog was to answer the following questions:

1. Describe the advantages that the students saw concerning online learning.  What were the parents’ and teachers’ views toward online learning?  
2. If states would offer more courses online, what benefits would emerge from it? 
3. What could be some of the limitations toward virtual learning that the people in the video did not address? 
4. Could the limitations be resolved?  How?

The students felt they received more personal attention, were able to complete assignments without other student interruptions, could control when and where they completed their homework, and enjoyed the feedback instructors provided. The students also felt the virtual school was clear and organized and liked the personal interaction they had with their teachers through the course. The parent’s seemed very impressed with the virtual school. One parent felt that the communication between her child’s teacher and herself was better than some of the face-to-face communications she had in the past. Another parent enjoyed that she could check her children’s progress at any time evaluating their assignments due and grades within the class. Parent’s also pointed out the self-efficacy and self-motivation their children in completing their schoolwork.

I believe there are many advantages to online learning. If states were able to produce a virtual high school such as Florida, I believe they would be highly successful. Florida’s virtual high school is well known throughout the United States as being a leader within virtual high school education however whether or not all states would have the same type of resources needs to be taken into consideration. I think providing students options is another very powerful component to take into consideration. Some students prefer or perform better through self-directed learning while others need more face-to-face instruction to succeed. By providing a virtual environment you are allowing students the choice of how they prefer to learn. You are also allowing those students who can handle taking more classes the ability to do so thus receiving a more beneficial education than some would receive within a traditional setting.

Limitations that could arise would be cost, accessibility, and social interaction. Having the opportunity to participate in a virtual school is one consideration but having the ability to pay to participate in the school is another. It could be problematic if the cost of technology and resources to support the virtual school exceed the costs of traditional settings. When devising a virtual high school costs is a huge factor that needs to be considered. Second is the accessibility of the virtual school to all. Some students might live in remote areas and be unable to connect to Internet or might only have the option of dial-up Internet. When designing such courses teachers need to take factors such as modem speed into consideration as incorporating video would be problematic for such students. An additional consideration to accessibility is for those students with disabilities. Teachers need to ensure they utilize a universal design when creating their courses so that all students, regardless of disabilities, will be able to participate within the course assignments and activities. Finally, there is much debate today about whether or not students who take online courses lack the social skills and interaction they would obtain by attending a traditional school. While I have heard this point argued very well from both sides teachers should ensure they are incorporating activities that require students to chat and work with one another so that these social skills will not be unattained.

In the famous words of Walt Disney, “If you can dream it, you can do it!” It may be more time consuming and pose some challenges along the way but if these limitations are taken into consideration throughout the development of the virtual high school teachers, administrators, and instructional designers can work together to ensure most of these issues are addressed. For example, with the assistance of federal and state grants as well as state allocation for funds for high schools, virtual schools can help keep the cost of these technologies down. They also can utilize open source software so that costs remain low. In regards to accessibility, taking a universal design approach would help ensure that all students would be able to utilize the online course. Social interaction could be achieved by incorporating web tools such as chats, live discussions and audio and video within the courses or even utilize virtual learning environments for students to interact within.  

Friday, June 27, 2008

Video Nine: Using a Class Web Page for Learning

After watching the assigned video the objective of this blog was to answer the following questions:

1. Explain how the teacher uses Web pages, Web resources, and software applications (e.g., Word, PowerPoint) to teach student from various backgrounds French language and culture. 2. What other resources could this teacher include onto her Web page, or what other technology-related activities could she have done?
3. What are the students’ feedback/reactions to using technology to learn French culture and language?
4. In general, explain how technology can help students learn a foreign language and culture.

The teacher in this video stresses the importance of understanding how to use technology today therefore she incorporates WebQuest into her final project to help students not only learn the language but also develop invaluable technology tools needed such as PowerPoint, evaluating resourceful websites, and developing accurate bibliographies. She requires students to write a 150-word report on a Francophone person. Within this project students work in groups one as the reported one as the interviewee to create either a PowerPoint, poster or video of which they will present to the class. The flexibility as well as the structure of the assignment allows students to be creative and develop individualistic final projects.

From the assigned video it looks like students can find information about assignments due in her class, a rubric for the final project, links to both English and French resource pages for their projects as well as a WebQuest for the assignment. I believe for the assignment given she provided an adequate amount of resources however videos, music, and maybe even a sample project could have been displayed for the students. Also, tutorials on how to create a video might have been appropriate for those students who wanted to develop a video but did not know how to. Another great technology-related assignment could have been a virtual simulation of particular Francophones. This might have allowed students to explore the times at which these individuals lived in as well as allowed students to navigate through the simulation using the vocabulary they knew to communicate with other individuals within the class.

The students look very excited to utilize technology to learn about French culture and language and look very engaged in utilizing it within the video. One group within the video commented on the ease of use PowerPoint allows in creating a presentation as opposed to having to create posters. Additionally, another group stated they felt with three group members they would be able to easily complete the task of creating a video. I think if they could have a means of interaction it could better help them understand the language and culture as many foreign language students say the best way to learn the language and culture is to be submerged within it.

As far as incorporating technology, the use of WebQuest allows the teacher the ability to guide students to resources and content without lecturing within a classroom. I think that the ability for students to take French content and translate it into English with a touch of a button is another benefit technology allows for students. Drill-and-practice exercises are another great example of how technology can be utilized to learn vocabulary within a foreign language. Furthermore the incorporation of virtual simulations allows students to engage within the culture and learn more about that particular language.

Video Eight: Using Technology to Teach Reading

After watching the assigned video the objective of this blog was to answer the following questions:

1. Describe the different types of technologies used in the video clip to help students understand the concepts of the Civil War and write a cohesive written report.
2. How do all the technology-related activities help students develop their reading comprehension and writing ability?
3. How do the teachers bring aspects of other subject areas into this lesson (e.g., music, politics)? 4. As a teacher in this classroom, what changes would you see in your students toward reading, writing, social studies, and using technology tools?

Multiple types of technologies were used to deploy this lesson. The video first discussed the incorporation of posters and cartoons to identify events going on during the Civil War. The Internet and newspapers are the two biggest technologies for gathering information in these projects. Also, software such as Excel and Kurweil were used to graph and analyze statistics from the battles, as well as to engage the student within the story by having the student play a role in the audience. Since music was so important during these times students also identify major songs during this time and listen to the words for meaning and implications as to what was being experienced during these times.

I believe that one of the best ways to learn and improve on reading and writing skills is to incorporate these skills into everything you are doing. From the visuals used to the articles read the students in this class are utilizing reading and writing skills throughout the project. There were many ways these activities helped the students develop their reading comprehension and writing skills. First is when utilizing software such as Kurweil, the students had the opportunity to read through the article the first time and listen to it the second time highlighting interesting points. Then from these articles the students wrote a statement or article about their opinion and findings from these articles. From this activity the students were able to identify important statistics, record them into an excel document, analyze the findings, create a graph to display findings and present it to the class.

The two teachers within the assigned video were able to bring cartoons and music in to enhance the learning environment giving the students an accurate depiction of the times during the Civil War. This shows the students that when important events are going on throughout history many aspects are affected by it such as music and cartoons. Cartoons were used to show some of the politics during the time. What I really enjoyed about these classroom environments is there was no right or wrong answer. Both teachers in this video wanted the students to read the information, decipher between the two sides of the story understanding each sides view and formulate a decision based off of the information. I believe not only is this type of lesson helping students improve their reading and writing skills it is also helping them develop critical thinking skills which are essential to student development and learning.

The main change the teachers in this video saw and I believe I would see also is the increased level of self-confidence the students have after completion of the Civil War project. I believe that as students actually go through and complete tasks themselves they are able to gain the needed confidence levels for them to know that they can complete such assignments. An example seen in the collegiate level of this type of confidence level would be with adult learners utilizing technology. Many are very timid and afraid to utilize web tools, online course materials, etc. but once they are able to complete learning activities incorporating these types of technologies gain confidence and actually enjoy utilizing these tools. The second change I see is the application from reading to writing that the students go through. When I was in school I do not remember teachers taking the time to help us understand the importance of reading something, formulating an opinion, and then writing down that opinion. Not only within one project are you utilizing reading and writing skills you are also teaching the students how to make decisions and form opinions based off of the knowledge presented to them. Finally, with the incorporation of so many different technologies and tasks that could be completed (writing statements, making graphs, developing posters and cartoons, etc.) I believe you would see an increase in interest for the subject content area and a higher knowledge retention from the students.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Video Seven: The use of WebQuest within Educational Settings

After watching the assigned video the objective of this blog was to answer the following questions:

1. Identify some advantages of using WebQuests in education.

2. Discuss what problems students may encounter if a WebQuest (that has pre-selected Web sites) are not used in learning.

3. Address how such “structured” learning through a technology medium can help improve learning. If you were to design a WebQuest, what would you do?

Advantages of Using WebQuest in Education:

One of the first advantages I found in this video in regards to utilizing WebQuest was the ability for students to not only learn the subject content but also to learn about the computer. The teacher was very surprised to see how quickly the students were able to pick up on computer skills that they normally are not able to utilize. Another incentive was that students are learning how to use the Internet as a knowledge search tool. From my experience I know that in high school as well as undergraduate education students lack the understanding of acceptable Internet resources. The second grade students in this video are learning at an early age how to search for information and will get feedback based off of what and how they report their information. What a great way for students to start learning how to cite materials, navigate the Internet and understand the computer!

Another advantage of utilizing WebQuest was that it provided the students in the video the ability to work in groups where each student was given a specific task that would allow them to come together at the end of the assignment with the needed information to complete their project. This teaches students how to work in a team, assign duties to individuals, and help one another learn as they go. While this can also be completed in traditional group work I believe WebQuest allowed students the ability to engage in the project in ways in alternative ways. Most second grade students would be able to go out on an archaeological dig however WebQuest provided them the ability to “dig” in multiple areas to find their dinosaur and discover more information on its age, name, era, etc.

Third WebQuest sounds as though it is easy to utilize. I have never utilized this type of technology however the student teacher featured in the video stated the first time she utilized WebQuest it took her three days but after that she can have a site up for students in just a few minutes. If normal preparation for a class takes a day or two and WebQuest allows the ability to capture all learning objectives within a couple of minutes it allows teachers the ability to manage their time more effectively and focus more on student learning then lesson preparation.

Challenges WebQuest might create:

One challenge that might be seen in utilizing WebQuest would be the lack of available resources. The student teacher in the assigned video said normally there is only one computer in the classroom she teaches in. This could be problematic if a teacher is expecting to teach a lesson to students and does not have the needed resources to do so. Another challenge could be technology itself. What if the students were not able to pick up the needed computer skills to navigate through WebQuest? Or what is the network at the school is down so students are not able to access the Internet? These are challenges that teachers should be aware of in preparing their lessons so that they have a backup plan in case a similar challenge were to present itself.

Improved Learning through the Implementation of WebQuest:

When I first watched this video I could not believe how well behaved the students were. While the class might generally act this way I believe by incorporating technology and keeping the instructions of the assignment short and easy to follow the teacher was able to capture the attention of her students. Student engagement was also a consideration during the creation of this WebQuest activity where students actually were given a dinosaur and specific tasks and had to seek the knowledge needed on their particular dinosaur. I think this is a great way to improve learning because it engages students. By utilizing technology and giving each group a different dinosaur to identify each group had a different task creating excitement and increased learning for the entire class. The teacher was also able to incorporate so many learning skills within this assignment such as computer skills, teamwork skills, and communication skills. For example by incorporating student presentations the teacher is able to also increase the students’ communication skills. This is a difficult skill for many yet an important one for the students to master.

I have never utilized WebQuest so it is hard for me to answer what I would do if utilizing it. I know that in one of my Instructional Technology courses this summer I will be building a WebQuest so I believe I will be able to better answer this question in the future. I like the way the teacher incorporated WebQuest into her classroom and believe I would utilize much like her but also try to incorporate some individual work within the lesson as well.

Video Six: Virtual Simulations for Classroom Use

After watching the assigned video the objective of this blog was to answer the following questions:

1. Describe three advantages of using simulations in a chemistry lab.

2. Describe advantages in using simulations for other content areas that may contain a certain risk for students (e.g., dissection of a heart, flight simulation, storm chasing), and/or something that students would not normally experience (e.g., traveling through the Sahara desert, being a solder in the Civil War, solving crimes as Sherlock Holmes, deep-sea diving).

3. What type of learning strategies and/or classroom environments would work best for computer simulations?

Three advantages to using simulations:

1. Cost efficient/ Safety Precautions

2. Self-confidence within subject

3. Making the transition from knowledge to application

Discussion of these advantages:

Chemistry materials can be very expensive especially in the type of lesson this teacher was teaching. The teacher had students testing precipitation and PH levels of chemicals as well as creating combinations of chemicals to see how they reacted with one another. This is also a prime example of discovery learning which would not be available to students in a regular lab. By using a virtual simulation the teacher was able to allow students the ability to test and retest however many different chemicals and combinations they wanted. I cannot imagine how much money this would have cost the school if the students were completing this assignment in a real lab. The next advantage is the safety precautions it allows the teacher to take. Most students do not fully understand the consequences that may arise from mixing some chemicals together and/or lack the knowledge of proper techniques of working with chemicals in a lab. This provides a safe environment for students to learn in prior to going into a lab giving them a base knowledge that students without virtual simulation lessons lack.

Though it was identified in the video I felt strongly about the increased amount of self-confidence virtual simulations provided the students. I believe each of us can identify subject areas that challenged us and were very difficult for us to get through. The teacher stated that virtual simulations gave students more confidence in their knowledge of the content. What a great way to utilize technology!

In any curriculum or teaching theory course you will hear about the importance of students applying what they learn. Without understanding the application of the content students tend to get bored or fail to retain information. Virtual simulations provide students the ability to use the knowledge they are gaining from lectures, textbooks, etc. to see how they are used within the real world.

Advantages of Virtual Simulations:

I believe that there are many advantages to utilizing simulation trainings with students. First and foremost it allows individuals the ability to test ideas and strategies without incurring any real-life consequences. For example, if I were in a science class testing two chemicals that were combustible I would much rather see the reactions those two chemicals had through a virtual simulation then to have that type of reaction in real life.

By utilizing such simulations you also allow the ability of students to gain a base knowledge prior to going into a real lab saving time and resources in educating the student. The teacher in the assigned video states that it took him four days in the lab and many hours of prep to teach the same content to his students that he can accomplish within two days incorporating virtual simulations. I can see how this would save a lot of time and energy in basic trainings students need to have prior to going into the lab.

Third you allow students the opportunity to try things they might never have tried if not given the opportunity to engage in a virtual simulation. For example, I can think of a particular colleague of mine who has a fear of flying. Without the ability to travel (costs, fear, etc.) one might never be afforded the opportunity to see the Mona Lisa in Paris or see the Vatican in Italy. Technology never ceases to amaze me and this is one of the best ways, in my opinion, it is incorporated.

Finally, as identified in the video, I believe it would engage students within the subject content as well as increase self-confidence. I remember being so afraid in my science classes, in fact, it was my least favorite subject. This was partially because we hardly ever had the resources to do lab work but also because the content was very challenging to me. I believe if I would have had the opportunity to utilize such technologies my ability to understand the application of the content could have helped me conquer the subject content as well as give me the confidence I lacked. Just from watching the video I was excited and interested in chemistry class! It is amazing how an opinion can changed based off the tools that the teacher incorporates within their classroom and will be a lesson I take with me into the classroom in the future.

Optimizing Virtual Simulation in Learning Strategies:

I believe virtual simulations can work well in both individual and group assignments. In making the decision as to which to incorporate one should certainly evaluate their classroom environment. For example if a teacher only has four computers and twelve students she might want to incorporate activities where students can work in groups. If there are enough computers for all students then maybe individual simulations can be utilized as shown in the assigned video. Virtual simulations could be incorporated into any subject area but could be especially beneficial in decision making processes such as leadership courses, foreign language activities allowing students to incorporate what they know, or in English classes allowing students to see/engage in Medieval time activities. A great example that I have seen colleges incorporate is Second Life, a virtual learning environment in which students create avatars and can attend classes, go on a scavenger hunt, etc. This environment can also be utilized to create simulations for students to go through. For example, many you are teaching a diversity class and want to have students role-play so they can experience discrimination. The possibilities are endless and I believe this is a simulations are a great use of technology within education.