Monday, June 9, 2008

Video Three: Adaptive Keyboards

After watching the assigned video the objective of this blog was to answer the following questions:

1. Describe how the adaptive keyboard may be used to assist instruction.
2. How has your view of the role of technology for students with special needs changed?
3. Do you think that such type of technologies could be used by other types of students who are not special needs?
4. How about using such types of technologies for older individuals?

The adaptive keyboard could assist teachers in developing lessons that are conducive to students who might have particular disabilities. After viewing this video I further appreciate technology as a tool to enhance student learning. Technology is a motivator to student learning but is also a tool which provides student’s the ability to learn regardless of whether or not they have a disability. Students with special needs are often overlooked especially in the design and development of online courses. This video furthered my awareness of the need to expand my knowledge of technology to include devices such as the adaptive keyboard so that my lessons will be able to benefit all students within my classroom.

I believe that every student could certainly use such technologies. It would be beneficial if students became proficient on multiple types of technologies to be well rounded as well as more culturally aware of the restrictions/learning styles of other students within their class. In regards how this keyboard might be used differently, I noticed in the video that there is an audio playback feature. I could see this keyboard being very useful in not only learning the student’s primary language but also in foreign language study. The ability to replay you answer and hear someone speak it back to you correctly would allow you to practice what you are learning transitioning the student from application to practical implication.

Older individuals might also benefit from these types of technologies. I know that the adaptive keyboard is beneficial primarily to those students with muscle spasms and the use of only one hand however many older people suffer from arthritis and/or weak muscles themselves. This type of technology might be a proactive way to help older students utilize technology.

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